The QLD Government has released an updated guideline for Using monitoring data to assess groundwater quality and potential environmental impacts. …[Read More]
Issues Paper on Wholesale Demand Response Participation Guidelines – Comment sought
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is seeking feedback on the Wholesale Demand Response Participation Guidelines Issues Paper. The Australian Energy Market…[Read More]
Victorian guideline for water recycling: Technical information
EPA Victoria has released technical information for Victorian guideline for water recycling. The technical information provides some best-practice technical approaches…[Read More]
Engine Speed at Maximum Power data manual: Commences 1 July 2021
EPA Victoria has released the ESMP data manual 1992: Engine speed at maximum power and noise test engine speeds for…[Read More]
Noise limit and assessment protocol
EPA Victoria has released the Noise limit and assessment protocol for the control of noise from commercial, industrial and trade…[Read More]
Waste classification assessment protocol and Waste Webinar
The AEBN will be holding the forthcoming Waste Webinar: New Laws and Developments for Victoria and across Australia on 24 March 2021 to…[Read More]
Protocol for calculating monetary benefits
The Protocol for calculating monetary benefits, released by EPA Victoria this week, will apply from 1 July 2021. This protocol sets out the…[Read More]
Waste disposal categories – characteristics and thresholds
EPA Victoria has released the following waste publication that will apply from 1 July 2021:Waste disposal categories – characteristics and…[Read More]
Victorian Guideline for Water Recycling
EPA Victoria has released the Victorian guideline for water recycling that provides guidance for the safe and sustainable use of…[Read More]
Draft NSW Clean Air Strategy – Comment sought
The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment seeks feedback on the draft NSW Clean Air Strategy that outlines the…[Read More]