EPA Victoria has released the following new guidelines on –Separation distance guidelinesLandfill buffer guidelines, andSupporting information for separation distance and…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINCES: Separation distance and landfill buffer guidelines: Released
New Separation distance and landfill buffer guidelines
EPA Victorian has released guidelines for industry separation distances and landfill buffers. The guidelines aim to support the making of planning…[Read More]
State-wide coal mine consultation
The NSW EPA is consulting on the regulation of coal mines in NSW, which are licensed activities. The EPA progressively makes…[Read More]
Consultation on a guide for assessing partial loss of biodiversity
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is seeking feedback on the Assessing partial loss of…[Read More]
New guidelines for community engagement and benefits for transmission projects
The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has released new National Guidelines for Community Engagement…[Read More]
Release of Great Barrier Reef: Scientific Consensus Statement
The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has announced the release of the 2022 Scientific…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINE: Compliance under EPA Act
As QLD’s environment regulator, the QLD Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) has released an updated guideline that provides…[Read More]
Draft guidance on Removal of oil and gas property and sea dumping of infrastructure in Commonwealth waters: Comment sought
The offshore decommissioning of oil and gas operations involves removing or satisfactorily dealing with the property and infrastructure. Decommissioning must…[Read More]
Draft Climate Change Assessment Requirements and Guide: Comment sought
NSW EPA is seeking feedback on the draft Climate Change Assessment Requirements and draft Greenhouse Gas Assessment Guide for Large…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES: Effluent Dispersal and Recycling Systems
EPA Victoria has released new Guidelines for Effluent dispersal and recycling systems. Effluent dispersal and recycling systems (EDRS) are used…[Read More]