Review of WA Greenhouse Gas Guidelines: Comment sought

EPA WA is reviewing its Environmental Factor Guideline – Greenhouse Gas Emissions and seeks your feedback on the draft.The purpose…[Read More]

Draft Greenhouse Gas Guidelines: Comment sought

EPA WA is reviewing its Environmental Factor Guideline – Greenhouse Gas Emissions and invites stakeholders and the public to provide…[Read More]

NSW EPA releases ‘Truck Inspection Manual’ to prevent hazardous fires

NSW EPA has released the Truck Inspection Manual  to assist drivers of trucks and businesses on how to identify preventable…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES released for Container Deposit scheme

EPA SA has released the following guidelines that relate to the Container Deposit scheme and intended to assist those participating…[Read More]

Plastic single-use straws – exemptions guidance

From 1 November 2022, the supply of plastic single-use straws will be banned in NSW unless you are an individual with a…[Read More]

REMINDER: Managing regulated wastes in QLD

The following information is provided by the QLD Government as a reminder to businesses with operations in QLD: Under the Environmental Protection…[Read More]

NSW EPA response to 2021 WA guidelines on Asbestos contaminated sites

On 24 August 2021, the WA Department of Health released the revised Guidelines for the Assessment, Remediation and Management of…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: Applications for a permit to clear native vegetation relating to carbon farming projects

The WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has released the new Guideline: Applications for a permit to clear…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: Reviewing Industry Regulation Licences

The WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has released a Guideline for reviewing Industry Regulation licences (issued under the…[Read More]

DRAFT GUIDELINE: Sprint exemptions

The WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation is seeking public comment on the draft Guideline: Spring exemptions under Part III…[Read More]

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