Urban Forests Million Trees Program a success

A program to plant three million trees across greater metropolitan Adelaide has reached its milestone.The 11-year, Sustainability, Environment and Conservation…[Read More]

Environmental licence holders to pay for air monitoring

EPA NSW is seeking comment on the draft Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Amendment (Newcastle Air Monitoring) Regulation 2014(External…[Read More]

Glencore to develop Aurukun mine

The Queensland Government has announced Glencore International is the preferred proponent to develop the Aurukun bauxite deposit in western Cape…[Read More]

GRANTS: Resilience to climate change grants – Open

A new $1 million Building Resilience to Climate Change Grants program will allow NSW local government organisations to address climate…[Read More]

Groundwater monitoring plan for regional water

The New South Wales Government has introduced a new water monitoring plan in the face of rising concerns about the…[Read More]

Scientists study impact of fertilizers on Great Barrier Reef

Queensland scientist, Aaron Davis from James Cook University in Townsville has been awarded a Queensland Government funded Smithsonian fellowship to…[Read More]

Galilee Basin rail line approved

The Queensland Government has approved the construction of a 300 km rail line linking the proposed Carmichael coal mine west…[Read More]

Emissions Reduction Fund and how does it differ to the Carbon Farming Initiative

The Federal Government has stated that “the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) will build on the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) by…[Read More]

Green Army Projects – First Round Opens

The Federal Department of Environment has formally launched the first round of 196 Green Army projects. Over the next three…[Read More]

Waste grants to charities for illegal dumping at charity sites

NSW EPA has awarded $1.6 million in waste grants to charities, local councils and local land managers to tackle illegal…[Read More]

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