The Victorian EPA is consulting on a proposed approach to enable the use of low-risk DigestateEPA Victoria is proposing new…[Read More]
Regulatory and Compliance Priorities Statement 2022-23: Released
NSW EPA has released its Regulatory and Compliance Priorities Statement 2022-23.The Statement outlines the six major risks that EPA has…[Read More]
Development of draft end of waste codes
The QLD Department of Environment and Science (DES), under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 has made its annual…[Read More]
Consultation on the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) solar panel and inverter product listing: Comment sought
The Clean Energy Regulator has opened a one-month consultation on the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) solar panel and inverter…[Read More]
Expanded list of products for industry stewardship
The Federal Government has expanded the list of products that industry must ensure are handled and ultimately disposed of in…[Read More]
Australia joins forests partnership to drive climate action
The Federal Government has announced that Australia has become a founding member of the Forests and Climate Leaders Partnership, a…[Read More]
Australia’s first national action plan on soil: Comment sought
The Federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is seeking comment on Australia’s first national action plan on soil. All stakeholders…[Read More]
2021-22 Annual Report of Clean Energy Regulator: Released
The Clean Energy Regulator has tabled its 2021-22 Annual Report in Parliament House. It outlines its achievements, performance and financial…[Read More]
Annual Climate Change Statement
The Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen has formally requested the Climate Change Authority to provide advice…[Read More]
Australia’s first national electric vehicle strategy (NEVS): Comment sought
The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has released a consultation paper on the first…[Read More]