FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: $4.7 million in grants for climate change innovation

The Victorian Government has allocated $4.7 million for Climate Change Innovation Challenge grants and workshops across Victoria.The grants will support…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: New grants for large businesses to reduce energy costs

The Victorian Government announced on Thursday 27 July 2017 the expansion of its Boosting Business Productivity program to include large…[Read More]

New rules for the treatment of renewable energy under the carbon offset standard

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has issued new rules for accounting for renewable energy in a greenhouse…[Read More]

Draft offset standard for buildings and precincts – Outcomes from consultation released

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released the outcomes from the public consultation process on the draft…[Read More]

Statement on Future Uses of Brown Coal

The Victorian Government has released the Statement on Future Uses of Brown Coal which provides clarity to industry and local…[Read More]

Queensland targets zero net emissions by 2050

The Queensland Government announced on Tuesday that a goal of zero net emissions by 2050 will be set for the…[Read More]

South Australia removes asbestos waste levy

The South Australian Government has announced the removal of the levy on the disposal of packaged asbestos waste, commencing 1…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY – Resource productivity assessments – Round 3 open

Green Industries SA has announced the third round of grants to eligible commercial businesses for resource productivity assessments.Resource productivity assessments…[Read More]

More powers given to local councils in noise, smoke and litter issues

The SA Government has handed greater powers to local councils to resolve local nuisance issues such as noise, smoke and…[Read More]

Seeking Expression of Interest for the collection of household hazardous chemical disposal sites

The SA Government is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from local government and industry to host new, permanent facilities for…[Read More]

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