Flood and storm impacted businesses can now access all available State Government and Federal Government support, through the NSW Government’s…[Read More]
Inquiry into dispatchable energy generation and storage capability in Australia
Feedback is sought on the inquiry into the future need and potential for dispatchable energy generation and storage capability in…[Read More]
NSW flood affected businesses – assistance available
Flood and storm impacted businesses can now access all available State Government and Federal Government support, through the NSW Government’s…[Read More]
Draft NSW Clean Air Strategy – Comment sought
The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment seeks feedback on the draft NSW Clean Air Strategy that outlines the…[Read More]
ACCC Gas Inquiry report: Released
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released the Gas Inquiry 2017-2025 January 2021 report. The report has found…[Read More]
Queensland’s Protected Area Strategy 2020-2030
The QLD Department of Environment and Science has released Queensland’s Protected Area Strategy 2020–2030 which is a ten-year plan for…[Read More]
National Waste Report 2020
The National Waste Report 2020 was released in December 2020 that provides the tracking of Australia’s progress in waste as…[Read More]
Stop Food Waste Australia
The Federal Government has unveiled a new $4 million body with the sole focus of reducing the nation’s food waste…[Read More]
National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy: A refreshed strategy for 2021
The Australian Government is refreshing the National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy and advised that it will release the new…[Read More]
QLD Protected Area Strategy 2020-2030: Released
The QLD Department of Environment and Science has released Queensland’s Protected Area Strategy 2020–2030 that sets a ten-year plan for…[Read More]