FUNDING OPPORTUNITY – Ethanol Production Grants Program

The Ethanol Production Grants (EPG) program is aimed at supporting the production and deployment of ethanol as a sustainable alternative…[Read More]

Proposal on final Commonwealth Marine Reserves Nework – comment sought

The Federal Department of Sustainability has finalised details of its national marine reserve network following stakeholder consultations and submissions on…[Read More]

Qantas offsets carbon emission

Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus has announced a partnership between Qantas and RM Williams to…[Read More]

Qld Government outlines action plan

The Queensland Government has outlined its six-month action plan till December.  The new government will target areas such as: Review…[Read More]

National Greenhouse & Energy Reporting (NGER) reports due 30 June 2012

The last day of the 2011-12 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) reporting year is 30 June 2012.  The Clean…[Read More]

Research and oversight of potential coal seam gas extraction

The Victorian Government will provide a boost of funds towards research and oversight of potential coal seam gas extraction with…[Read More]

EPA Victoria to use the Licensed Operator Risk Assessment (LORA) model to track performance of licensed sites

From July 2012, EPA Victoria will use the Licensed Operator Risk Assessment (LORA) model to assist them to plan their…[Read More]

Contaminated Environments discussion paper – released for comment

  A discussion paper on Contaminated Environments has been released by EPA Victoria that articulate the views of various stakeholders…[Read More]

Clean Energy Regulator and ATO to regulate carbon pricing mechanism

The Clean Energy Regulator and Australian Tax Office (ATO) will work together to regulate the carbon pricing mechanism.  To aid…[Read More]

Managing carbon units

With regards to acquiring and purchasing carbon units under the carbon pricing mechanism, the Clean Energy Regulator has advised that…[Read More]

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