FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: 3 Clean Technology Programs open for applications

Just a reminder that 3 funding opportunities, under the Clean Technology Program, are currently open to business.    The 3…[Read More]

Final report and Vic Government’s response to Feed-in Tariff (FiTs) arrangements

This week, the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission (VCEC) released its Final Report, Power from the people: Inquiry into distributed…[Read More]

ACCC provides guidance to businesses regarding ‘carbon price claims’

At the recent Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) Australia’s Carbon Price Update Seminar that was held on 28 August 2012,…[Read More]

Electricity price fact sheets for consumers now available

The Federal Department of Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson has released electricity prices fact sheets to assist consumers in better…[Read More]

Renewable Energy Target (RET) issues paper – released for comment

This week, the Climate Change Authority released, for public comment, an issues paper on theRenewable Energy Target (RET).    The…[Read More]

Innovative project awarded funding to reduce carbon emissions

The latest organisations to receive funding under the Clean Technology Investment Program are:   Richgro – a garden products supplier,…[Read More]

Reports – cost benefit on Climate Change

The Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency have released the following reports that relate to cost benefit frameworks…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: For Australian automotive supply chain

The Federal and Victorian Governments have launched a $35 million Automotive New Markets Initiative to assist Australian automotive suppliers, and…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Impacts & adaptation research grants program

A new funding program was announced this week by Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus which…[Read More]

New guidelines on separation distrances for large composting facilities

EPA Victoria has released guidelines on Separation distances for large composting facilities.  This document provides guidance to operators of composting…[Read More]

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