Energy efficiency

Agreement signed with China

Australia to continue to be major supplier of low emissions energy to China  A binding agreement has been signed between…[Read More]

Energy Security Council

Energy Security Council – new appointments  The Energy Security Council was established in late 2011 as part of the Clean…[Read More]

The role of regulation in facilitating or constraining adaptation to climate change for Australia infrastructure – report released

Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus this week released a report on The role of Regulation…[Read More]

Change to Small-scale Technology Certificate Methodology for Solar Water Heaters and Air Source Heat Pumps and the addition of a 5th zone for Air Source Heat Pumps

The Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER) is inviting industry stakeholders for public consultation on the amendments to the Regulation 19B Legislative Instrument – Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) methodology for solar water heaters and air source heat pump water heaters. ...Read More

Energy Market Modelling of National Energy Savings Initiative Scheme

The National Energy Savings Initiative Working Group is consulting with the industry, the public and other experts to ensure the modelling methodology and its underpinning assumptions and data are robust. ...Read More

National Energy Savings Initiative

In December 2011, the National Energy Savings Initiative Workshop Group released the National Energy Savings Initiative Working Group Issues Paper for public comment. ...Read More

Draft Energy White Paper released

In December 2012, the Federal Minister for Resources,Energy and Tourism, Martin Ferguson launched the Draft Energy White Paper 2011 – Strengthening the Foundation for Australia’s Energy Future. ...Read More

Two new regulators established for Offshore Petroleum sector

National offshore petroleum reforms came into effect 1 January 2012. NOPTA and NOPSEMA to regulate offshore petroleum in Commonwealth waters. ...Read More

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