Energy efficiency

Victoria’s first carbon capture and storage (CCS)

Federal Minister for Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson has announced joint funding of $100 million by the Federal Government ($70…[Read More]

Auditor-General’s report on administration of National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS)

The Auditor General has released a report on the Administration of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS). The…[Read More]

Grant opportunity in Energy Efficiency programs

The Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency has announced grant opportunities and has released program guidelines for the:…[Read More]

Clean Energy Regulator announced

Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Greg Combet has announced Ms Chloe Munro as the Chair and CEO…[Read More]

Auctioning of carbon units for Australia’s carbon pricing mechanism

The Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency has released a 2010 study that tests different design features of…[Read More]

Carbon price leads to end of Renewable Energy Fund

The SA Government’s 2011-2012 mid-year budget review, released in December last year announced the abolishment of the Renewable Energy Fund.…[Read More]

North Queensland Bio-Energy plant approved

QLD Minister for Local Government and Planning Paul Lucas has approved a development application allowing North Queensland Bio-Energy Corporation (NQBE)…[Read More]

Sustainable Energy funding Round closing soon

QLD Environment Minister Vicky Darling has urged businesses to prepare for the next round of the Queensland Sustainable Energy Innovation…[Read More]

Electricity prices set to further increase

In June 2011 IPART estimated the average increase in regulated prices from July 1, 2012 to be 10% and 9.5%…[Read More]

Inquiry into feed-in tariffs and barriers to local generation

The Victorian Government is establishing a Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission (VCEC) inquiry to determine the most appropriate regulatory framework…[Read More]

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