Energy efficiency

Energy reform debate to address increase in electricity prices advises ACCC

In the last 5 years, electricity prices, in Australia, have increased on average by 90% in nominal terms, and by…[Read More]

Efficient lighting leads growth in energy savings certificates

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (IPART) has released its report into the 2011 activities of the NSW…[Read More]

ZEN Energy Systems launches world-first energy-storage system

ZEN Energy Systems have launched an energy-storage system that will enable customers to store and access power 24 hours a…[Read More]

SA Government inquiry into future of solar-thermal energy

SA Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis recently said the South Australian Government will support the establishment of a…[Read More]

Public inquiry into Electricity Network Regulation – Draft report released for comment

The Productivity Commission, this week, released a draft report on the public inquiry into Electricity Network Regulation for public comment. …[Read More]

Bill passes Parliament for the establishment of Independent Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Developments

Recently passed in Parliament is legislation to establish an Independent Expert Scientific Committee to provide advice on coal seam gas…[Read More]

CASE STUDY: Decrease in energy usage for supermarket saves 16% in energy costs

In the past month, an independent supermarket owner, IGA in Melbourne’s Meadow Heights, has recorded a 16% decrease in energy…[Read More]

Queensland calls for independent energy regulator

QLD Minister for Energy and Water Supply, Mark McArdle has called for a truly independent Australian Energy Regulator (AER) as…[Read More]

Sydney City: encourage local energy production

A City of Sydney submission to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) review of electricity network companies has suggested regulation should…[Read More]

Review of NSW regulated retail prices for electricity and gas: July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2016

The NSW Minister for Resources and Energy has asked the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (IPART) to review…[Read More]

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