Victorian Minister for Energy and Resources, Nicholas Kotsiras has launched flexible electricity pricing options to assist households choose pricing plans…[Read More]
Energy efficiency
47 coak mine and coal seam gas developments require federal environmental assessment of impact on water resources
The Federal Minister for Environment, Greg Hunt has announced that he has considered the application of the water trigger to…[Read More]
Emission and Energy Reporting System to be used for all reporting under NGER
Just a reminder, the Emissions and Energy Reporting System (EERS) which was released in early April 2013 for liable entities…[Read More]
Energy efficient buildings cut Sydney’s emissions
Sydney’s major commercial office landlords are saving more than $25 million a year on their electricity bills, thanks to more…[Read More]
Queensland’s electricity strategy discussion paper
The QLD Government has, earlier this week, released the 30 Year Electricity Strategy discussion paper. QLD Minister for Energy and…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Are you eligible for funding to improve resource efficiency and reduce costs?
Sustainable Victoria’s Smarter Resources, Smarter Business (SRSB) Program is investing $14 million over 5 years to assist industry sectors across…[Read More]
Draft Guideline on Energy from Waste – comment sought
EPA Victoria has released a draft guideline on Energy from Waste that outlines how the Environment Protection Act 1970 and…[Read More]
QLD Government investigating electricity competition in regional areas
QLD acting Minister for Energy Andrew Cripps recently said a petition, signed by 9,000 people and which calls for regional…[Read More]
IPART releases electricity issues paper
The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has released an electricity issues paper. The paper, Early Termination Fees Regulating…[Read More]
NSW Energy Efficiency Action Plan released
The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage has released the NSW Energy Efficiency Action Plan. The stated objectives of the…[Read More]