NSW EPA is seeking feedback on the statutory review of environment protection licences for coal fired power stations at Bayswater,…[Read More]
Energy efficiency
Review of coal fired power station environment protection licences: Comment sought
QLD Business Energy Saving and Transformation Rebates – Round 1 opens
The QLD Government is providing an incentive to small and medium sized SME’s QLD businesses through the Queensland Business Energy…[Read More]
Review of methodology used to set 2024-25 Victorian Default Offer for electricity
The Essential Services Commission is reviewing the prices for the 2024-25 Victorian Default Offer for electricity and is seeking your…[Read More]
Electric vehicle charging to be more accessible to businesses
A new way for businesses to access electric vehicle (EV) charging is set to roll out nationally, with support from…[Read More]
2023 Australian Energy Statistics
The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has published the 2023 Australian Energy Statistics that contains…[Read More]
Guideline on offsetting requirements for electricity firming infrastructure
NSW EPA has released a new Guideline on offsetting requirements for electricity firming infrastructure that outlines the role of NSW…[Read More]
Trial of smart metres in parts of NSW
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has approved a ‘sandboxing’ trial of 5,600 smart meters in parts of Greater Western Sydney,…[Read More]
Zero Emission Vehicle Survey 2023
The Qld Government is supporting opportunities to encourage greater uptake of zero emission vehicles and seeks your feedback on what…[Read More]
Low-emissions electricity and renewable energy projects
The WA Government is seeking registrations of interest (ROIs) from large commercial and industrial users on their plans for low-emissions…[Read More]
Guarantee of Origin Scheme: Detailed Design – Comment sought
The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is seeking feedback on the proposed detailed design…[Read More]