Energy efficiency

Forests to generate power.

NSW Minister for Resources and Energy Anthony Roberts has announced changes to the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation…[Read More]

Gas shortages to hit manufacturing, warns AGL.

New South Wales could experience up to three weeks of gas supply shortages from winter 2016, causing significant disruption to…[Read More]

Liquid Fuel Opt-in Scheme and Opt-in to carbon pricing mechanism for 2014-15.

The Clean Energy Regulator states that ‘under the Clean Energy Act 2011, large users of specified taxable liquid fuels can…[Read More]

Offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas approvals – Now streamlined effective 28 February 2014.

Federal Minister for Industry, Ian Macfarlane has announced a streamlined approach for offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas activity environmental approvals,…[Read More]

Cogeneration guide to business.

The NSW Government has released a guide for businesses on how to unlock savings from cogeneration systems.   Cogeneration, otherwise…[Read More]

ZEN Energy Systems – relocating to Tonsley.

SA solar provider Zen Energy Systems is moving to the redeveloped former Mitsubishi site at Tonsley. The company will relocate…[Read More]

Santos’ coal seam gas project ‘strategic’.

The NSW Government has signed an agreement with energy group Santos which recognises its Narrabri coal seam gas project as…[Read More]

Energy upgrades for wine company.

Drayton’s Family Wines, in the Hunter Valley, has installed one of the region’s largest solar power systems.    The company…[Read More]

Mine project gets green light.

The NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure has recommended the Wallarah 2 Coal Project be approved, subject to conditions.  …[Read More]

Cheaper power promise for remote communities.

The South Australian Government is promising to slash electricity costs for remote communities not connected to the electricity grid.  …[Read More]

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