Energy efficiency

Solar farm to power Tathra sewage works

The Bega Valley Shire Council and local renewable energy group Clean Energy for Eternity have turned the first sods on…[Read More]

Ministerial ‘call-in’ for proposed wind farm near Mareeba

The Queensland Government will consider a ministerial ‘call in’ of the development application for a proposed wind farm near Mareeba…[Read More]

Water Corp to generate electricity

The SA Water Corporation has applied for an electricity generation licence to operate a 9.9 MW gas fired generation unit…[Read More]

Offshore petroleum exploration opportunities – Acreage released.

The Federal Government encourages investment in petroleum exploration through the annual release of vacant offshore petroleum exploration acreage. The 2014…[Read More]

Review on Electricity customers switching electricity plans between different retailers.

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) this week released its final report on its review of electricity customer switching arrangements…[Read More]

Land released for petroleum and gas exploration.

The Queensland Government has released more land in the State’s north-west and south-west for petroleum and gas exploration. Minister for…[Read More]

Sustainable upgrade for Aquatic Centre.

Work is about to begin on upgrading the Adelaide Aquatic Centre to meet higher sustainability standards. In partnership with the…[Read More]

Australian Energy Regulator approves SA-Vic energy interconnector upgrade.

The Australian Energy Regulator has approved the Heywood Interconnector upgrade contingent project for ElectraNet, the final regulatory approval required for…[Read More]

Coal fire to be excavated.

Work has commenced on tackling a slow-burning coal fire burning at Crangan Bay in Lake Macquarie State Conservation Area in…[Read More]

Energy from Waste Policy (EfW) Statement.

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released its NSW Energy from Waste Policy Statement  aimed at increasing investment in…[Read More]

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