Energy efficiency

Breach of fuel standards by fuel supplier

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has accepted an enforceable undertaking from a fuel supplier for supplying diesel…[Read More]

New report identifies and maps potential high hydrogen production

A new report by Geoscience Australia identifies and maps the regions in Australia that have high potential for hydrogen production.Australia…[Read More]

New guide to transform Australian agriculture sector with clean energy

The National Farmers’ Federation and Clean Energy Finance Corp have released a practical guide that has an objective to assist…[Read More]

Electricity Distribution Code review issues paper: Have your say!

The Victorian Essential Services Commission (ESC) has released Electricity Distribution Code review issues paper.The ESC is an independent regulator that…[Read More]

Inquiry into the sustainability of energy supply and resources in NSW

The NSW Parliament Committee on Environment and Planning is conducting an inquiry to examine the capacity and economic opportunities of…[Read More]

Essential Services Commission decision on off-grid under Victorian Energy Upgrades Program

The Victorian Essential Services Commission (ESC) has released their decision on the eligibility of off-grid sites under the Victorian Energy…[Read More]

EPA SA announces fee increase and new requirements for Petrol Stations, Resource Recovery and Transfer sector and Businesses licensed under Schedule 1 of SA EP Act

EPA SA has announced that they will be introducing new measures from 2019-20 to recover some costs associated with environmental…[Read More]

$1.88 Billion for energy – Federal Budget

The Federal Government 2019-20 budget has allocated $1.88 billion on action to reduce power bills.The initiatives include:Investing $1.38 billion in…[Read More]

Updates to requirements for lighting activities

The Victorian Essential Services Commission (ESC) has released updates to the requirements for lighting activities under the Victorian Energy Upgrades…[Read More]

New Regulations: Increased transparency for oil and gas environment plans

New regulations that facilitate improved transparency of environment plans (EPs) for the oil and gas industry will take effect on…[Read More]

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