The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has welcomed the launch of the $300 million Advancing Hydrogen Fund, reflected in the…[Read More]
Energy efficiency
Bioenergy Roadmap: Comment sought
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is developing a roadmap to identify the role that the bioenergy sector can play…[Read More]
Reliance on high levels of renewable high resources
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has released the Renewable Integration Study (RIS) – the first stage of a multi-year…[Read More]
Register of Solar Water Heaters (Version 39): Released
The register of solar water heaters (version 39) has been released by the Clean Energy Regulator and came into effect…[Read More]
New land released for petroleum exploration in Queensland
The QLD Department of Natural Resources Mines and Energy has released a map of new Queensland land for petroleum exploration…[Read More]
Amendments to Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage regime: Effective 28 April 2020
On 28 April 2020, a series of amendments to the offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage (OPGGS) regime came into…[Read More]
Review of Energy Security Board: How your say!
The COAG Energy Council has engaged an independent consultant to review the effectiveness and performance of the Energy Security Board…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Development of clean energy projects in WA
The WA Government is seeking applications for the first Round of funding under the Clean Energy Future Fund. Clean energy…[Read More]
Transforming WA’s electricity system
WA Energy Minister Bill Johnston has released WA’s Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Roadmap produced by the WA Government’s Energy Transformation…[Read More]
Review of Australian Gas Networks Regulatory Framework Final Decision
The Essential Services Commission (ESC) has made a Final Decision on the review of its regulatory framework for Australian Gas Networks…[Read More]