EPA Victoria has released a community information paper that discusses concerns and issues relating to the closed Sunshine landfills. The…[Read More]
New online Map of records of groundwater contamination
EPA SA has released its online groundwater contamination records, in map form, to make it easier to view areas in…[Read More]
Groundwater Prohibition Area for Keswick due to contamination
EPA SA will be establishing a Groundwater Prohibition Area for Keswick and surrounding areas from 29 October 2020 as it…[Read More]
NEW GUIDANCE released by EPA Victoria
The following new guidance has been released this week by EPA Victoria:· New guidance on managing stockpiles· New guidance on…[Read More]
Proposed revisions to the guidelines for sampling contaminated land in NSW: Comment sought
NSW EPA is seeking feedback on the proposed revisions to the guidelines for sampling contaminated land. The revised guidelines, Sampling…[Read More]
DRAFT GUIDELINES – For the Regulation of Underground Fuel Tanks: Comment sought
NSW EPA is seeking feedback from stakeholders on the recently released draft Guidelines for Implementing the Protection of Environment Operations…[Read More]
PFAS in West Lakes – Water quality monitoring update
An information sheet that summarises recent water quality results for West Lakes, has been released by EPA SA. The information…[Read More]
Report of emerging contaminants 2019-20 Summary of results
EPA Victoria has analysed samples of soils, water and sediment at 101 sites across Victoria for emerging and legacy contaminants…[Read More]
Changes to NSW EPA cost recovery fee that relates to contaminated land
Effective 1 September 2020, NSW EPA will charge a new fee to recover its costs associated with orders it issues…[Read More]
Elevated concentrations of PFAS found in West Lakes, SA
EPA SA has contacted more than 700 residents and community organisations in SA’s West Lakes area, to advise of elevated…[Read More]