Financial assurance under the Environment Protection Act 2017

EPA Victoria has released a range of guidance and forms to support how financial assurance requirements under the Environment Protection…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: For duty to notify of contaminated land – Released

A?proposed?guide to meeting the duty to notify of contaminated land for those in management or control of land has been…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES: Site contamination referral decision-making framework

The South Australian Environment Protection Authority has released new guidelines on how EPA will make decisions on development application referrals…[Read More]

New landfill gas method available

The Clean Energy Regulator has announced that the new method variation for the landfill gas method under the Emissions Reduction…[Read More]

Announcement: AEBN and EPA Victoria partner to deliver training for all Victoria businesses on new Victorian environmental laws

The Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) and EPA Victoria are partnering to provide training for all Victorian industry and businesses…[Read More]

EPA releases Environment Management Plan assessment report for Cleanaway Ravenhall landfill

EPA Victoria has released its report on the assessment of the Environment Management Plan (EMP) application received from Cleanaway Operations…[Read More]

Proposed methodology for deriving background level concentration when assessing potentially contaminated land

EPA Victoria has released the proposed methodology for deriving background level concentration when assessing potentially contaminated land that comprises a…[Read More]

New reports relating to Captains Flat contamination

This week, NSW EPA released two new publications that relate to the contamination at and around the Captains Flat area…[Read More]

Have your say: Financial assurance estimation

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is consulting on a draft financial assurance policy and guideline to ensure that those…[Read More]

New Victorian Contaminated Land publications: Released

EPA Victoria has released three publications this week on the contaminated land framework under the new Environment Protection Act 2017.The…[Read More]

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