A reminder that EPA Victoria has released the Potentially contaminated land – a guide for business (publication 2010) which is an introductory guide…[Read More]
NEW GUIDANCE: For the clean up and management of contaminated groundwater
EPA Victoria has released the Guidance for the cleanup and management of contaminated groundwater that outlines the concept of minimisation…[Read More]
Proposed Recovered Soil: Order and Exemption – Comment sought
NSW EPA is seeking feedback on a proposed Recovered Soil Order and Exemption that will enable the safe and efficient…[Read More]
NEW FORMS for EPA appointed environmental auditors
The following forms have been released by EPA for EPA appointed environmental auditors:New form for environmental audit statementEPA appointed environmental…[Read More]
Guide to Financial Assurance for Permissions and Contaminated Land Management
EPA Victoria has released a guide to financial assurance for permissions and contaminated land management. The guide sets out when financial…[Read More]
NEW GUIDANCE: For the clean-up and management of contaminated groundwater
EPA Victoria has released Guidance for the clean-up and management of contaminated groundwater that outlines the concept of minimisation of…[Read More]
National Soil Strategy
The Federal Government had released the National Soil Strategy in mid-2021 that aims to address key soil priorities for Australia. The…[Read More]
Proposed notifiable contamination Guideline: Duty to Notify of contaminated land
EPA Victoria has released a?proposed?guide to meeting the duty to notify of contaminated land for those in management or control…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINE: Site contamination referral decision-making framework
EPA SA has released the Site contamination referral decision-making framework guideline that describes how the EPA will make decisions on…[Read More]
NEW GUIDANCE to support the Environment Protection Act 2017
EPA Victoria has released a range of guidance to support the Environment Protection Act 2017 (the Act).The Potentially contaminated land…[Read More]