The EPA has produced new Industrial Waste Fact Sheets for individuals and industry who excavate, supply or receive waste soil…[Read More]
Marathon accepts compensation for Arkaroola
SA Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Tom Koutsantonis announced on Monday that Marathon Resources has accepted the State Government’s…[Read More]
Recycling infrastructure grants
Under the Waste Avoidance and Resource Efficiency (WARE) fund, funding amounts between $5000 and $5 million will be available over…[Read More]
Changes to NSW model Work Health & Safety (WHS) Regulations
According to the Workcover Authority of NSW, the implementation of the model Work Health and Safety Regulations (WHS Regulations) should…[Read More]
Hexavalent chromium lower than first reported at Stockton
EPA NSW has revealed it has revised its figures for the levels of hexavalent chromium present after the August 8,…[Read More]
HazWaste funding for Victorian Industry
Funding opportunity Victorian industry is being urged to liaise with the EPA Victoria to find and develop suitable projects that…[Read More]
Reforms to licensing of desalination
The SA Government has approved reforms to licensing of desalination under the Environment Protection Act 1993 These reforms will commence…[Read More]
Changes to environment protection legislation
– applies to all holders of environment protection licence in NSW There have been recent changes to the NSW’s environment…[Read More]
Wastewater works Sewerage works
Two companies shortlisted to deliver wastewater works contract in the Pilbara Infill sewerage works progressing well Major projects to improve…[Read More]
EPA announces illegal dumping Unit
SA EPA has a dedicated team to deal with illegal dumping. The Illegal Dumping Unit (IDU) will target illegal waste…[Read More]