Implementing the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Contaminated Sites) Measure amendment 2013

The National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (the ‘ASC NEPM’) was created in 1999 and updated in 2013. …[Read More]

Variation to State Environment Protection Policy (Prevention and Management of Contamination of Land)

EPA Victoria has released a variation to the State Environment Protection Policy (Prevention and Management of Contamination of Land) following…[Read More]

NEPM (Assessment of Site Contamination) – Errata released

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Standing Council on Environment and Water’s – Waste and Chemicals Thematic Oversight Group has…[Read More]

Proposed Contaminated Land Management Regulation 2013: Regulatory Impact Statement

With the NSW Contaminated Land Management Regulation 2008 due for repeal on September 1 this year, the NSW Environment Protection…[Read More]

Call for input on plans to remediate former Chlor Alkali site

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is calling for community input on Orica’s proposed remediation plan for the former Chlor…[Read More]

Twelve month transitional period – National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Amendment Measure 2013

The amendments in the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Amendment Measure 2013 (ASC NEPM) took effect in each…[Read More]

National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Amendment Measure 2013 – released

The National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Amendment Measure 2013 was recently released and came into effect on 16 May…[Read More]

CASE STUDY: New innovative device for real-time measurement of petroleum contamination in soil

CSIRO, together with Ziltek Pty Ltd, have developed an innovative hand-held device for real-time measurement of petroleum contamination in soil. …[Read More]

Calculating the landfill levy and recycling rebates – new publication by EPA Victoria

EPA Victoria has recently released this new guideline, Recommended Separation Distances for Industrial Residual Air Emissions.  “This guideline provides advice…[Read More]

NSW EPA working with Commonwealth on Botany HCB disposal

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) said it is committed to working with the Commonwealth Government and other agencies in…[Read More]

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