NEW PROGRAM – To reduce risks posed by leaking underground petroleum storage systems (UPSSs)

EPA Victoria has launched a state-wide program to reduce the risks posed by leaking underground petroleum storage systems (UPSSs) –…[Read More]

Expert panel meet to explore and provide advice on contamination at Williamtown RAAF Base

NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer Mary O’Kane and a team of experts have met for the first time to explore…[Read More]

Contaminated land reforms – changes to assessment and management

Changes to the way contaminated land is managed and assessed in Queensland have come into effect. The changes will affect…[Read More]

NSW Environment Minister announces reviews on the management of contaminated land sites

NSW Environment Minister Mark Speakman has announced two reviews into the management of contaminated land sites, following the Williamtown RAAF…[Read More]

Trichloroethene levels in Beverley lower than predicted

EPA SA has received the latest data from environmental testing in the Beverley area with results revealing substantially lower than…[Read More]

Warnings issued over Williamstown RAAF base contamination

NSW Government has issued a number of warnings regarding contaminated water caused by fire-fighting foams at the Williamtown Royal Australian…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES – New soil conservation guidelines for Queensland – Released

Queensland Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Anthony Lynham has launched the Soil Conservation Guidelines for Queensland. The guidelines have…[Read More]

GUIDELINES: Underground storage tanks

EPA Victoria has updated its Guideline on underground storage tanks. This guideline has been developed in response to concerns about…[Read More]

GUIDELINES: Siting, design, operation and rehabilitation of landfills

EPA Victoria has updated its guidance to the siting, design, operation and rehabilitation of landfills, which replaces its October 2014…[Read More]

Draft Environmental Standard: Assessing leachates from waste-derived materials – Comment sought

WA Department of Environment Regulatioin (DER) is seeking feedback on the Draft Environmental Standard: Assessing leachates from waste-derived materials. A…[Read More]

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