The Queensland Government has released the Mined Land Rehabilitation Policy which formalises the Government’s commitment to ensuring land disturbed by…[Read More]
New EPA Victoria publications released on – Odours – PFAS
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released two new publications:Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry (Publication 1666) has…[Read More]
COMMENT SOUGHT: PFAS National Environmental Management Plan
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is seeking feedback on the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan consultation draft.The per-and poly-fluoroalkyl…[Read More]
Feedback sought on EPA SA proposal to utilise certified site contamination practitioners
The South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has announced that it is proposing to utilise certified site contamination practitioners from…[Read More]
Changes to guidelines under WA Contaminated Sites Act
The Western Australian Government has gazetted changes to the guidelines under the Contaminated Sites Act 2003.The following guidelines have been…[Read More]
Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) report on PFAS contamination at RAAF Base East Sale site
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has advised that the Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) report to assess the extent…[Read More]
SA Site Contamination Index updated
The South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has updated the site contamination index, which is a listing of site contamination…[Read More]
Underground petroleum storage systems – Extension of NSW EPA oversight for the Underground Petroleum Storage System Regulation until 31 August 2019
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has advised that the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009…[Read More]
Report released on Perfluorinated Chemicals in Food
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) have released a report on Perfluorinated Chemicals in Food.FSANZ was commissioned by the Federal…[Read More]
Further PFAS testing at Kemps Creek
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has advised that further testing is underway by the Rural Fire Service…[Read More]