The Victorian Government has announced the commencement of a trial of a more efficient approach for assessing potentially contaminated land…[Read More]
PFAS precautionary advice – still in place
The precautionary advice currently in place in communities across NSW impacted by PFAS will remain in place following the release…[Read More]
Certification policy for Contaminated Land Consultants – Released
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released a Contaminated Land Consultant Certification Policy. The NSW EPA requires…[Read More]
New Remediation of Land SEPP – Have your say!
The New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment has announced a review of the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP)…[Read More]
Funding boost for Contaminated land management in NSW
The NSW Government has announced $23.5 million in additional funding for the NSW EPA to deal with contaminated land in…[Read More]
NSW PFAS expert panel review updated Williamtown human health risk assessment
The NSW PFAS Expert Panel has reviewed the draft updated Human Health Risk Assessment provided by the Federal Department of…[Read More]
Proposed legislative amendments to provide for use of clean fill and uncontaminated fill – Discussion paper released
The Western Australian Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has released a discussion paper proposing amendments to the Environmental…[Read More]
Regulation Impact Statement on options for a national phase out of PFOS and related chemicals – Comment sought
The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released a Regulation Impact Statement on options for a national phase…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES by NSW EPA – NSW Site Auditor Scheme – NSW Container Deposit Scheme
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority has released the following new guidelines:Guidelines for the NSW Site Auditor Scheme (3rd…[Read More]
New publications by EPA Victoria
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released the following new publications:Landfills exempt from licensing – (Publication 1563.1) was developed…[Read More]