As reported in the AEBN National ENW e-news of 8 March 2019, just a reminder that consultation is open until…[Read More]
REMINDER: Consultation on PFAS National Environment Management Plan (PFAS NEMP) – Draft of Version 2.0: Have your say!
New website for investigating the quality of land and groundwater in Victoria – Launched
The Victorian Government has launched Victoria Unearthed, a website designed to assist Victorians in identifying and investigate the quality of…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES – EPA Victoria releases new guidelines
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released the following new guidelines:Guide for managing contamination at shooting ranges (EPA Publication…[Read More]
New Bill for notifications of health risks
The Queensland Government has introduced a bill into Parliament which would give Queensland’s Chief Health Officer the power to compel…[Read More]
New Planning Ministerial Direction for planning scheme amendments
The Victorian Minister for Planning has issued Ministerial Direction No. 19 on the preparation and content of planning scheme amendments…[Read More]
UPDATED GUIDELINES – Site contamination guidelines updated
The SA EPA has updated the Guidelines for the assessment and remediation of site contamination (October 2018) and published an…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES – New site contamination guidelines – Released
The South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released new guidelines on the risk-based assessment and remediation of site contamination.The…[Read More]
New Contaminated Land Management Compliance Statement – Released by NSW EPA
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released a Contaminated Land Management Compliance Statement.The Statement details the approach…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: For Councils to clean up legacy gaswork sites
NSW Environmental Trust has announced funding of up to $3 million over three years to assist eligible councils to investigate…[Read More]
New Contaminated Land Management Compliance Statement – Released by NSW EPA
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released a Contaminated Land Management Compliance Statement.The Statement details the approach…[Read More]