The Clean Energy Regulator has released the Monthly emissions reduction fund carbon abatement statement for September 2016. The update summarises…[Read More]
Updated safeguard baselines table – Released
The Federal Clean Energy Regulator has updated the safeguard baselines table, which is a list of facilities that have been…[Read More]
CEO Clean Energy Finance Corporation to step down
The Clean Energy Finance Corporation announced on Wednesday that its CEO, Mr Oliver Yates, is stepping down from his role.Mr…[Read More]
Enforceable undertakings accepted under the Emissions Reduction Fund
The Clean Energy Regulator has accepted two enforceable undertakings under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).The Clean Energy Regulator may accept…[Read More]
QLD Climate Change Adaptation Directions Statement – Have your say!
The Queensland Government is seeking feedback on its Queensland Climate Adaptations Directions Statement which outlines the Government’s planned approach to…[Read More]
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) calls for experts for Sixth Assessment Report
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a call for nominations for experts to participate in the Scoping…[Read More]
Clean Energy Regulator updates safeguard baselines table
The Federal Clean Energy Regulator has updated the safeguard baselines table, which is a list of facilities that have been…[Read More]
Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards identifies issue with test method for electric motors
The Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) Regulator has identified an issue relating to the test methods and test standards…[Read More]
REMINDER: National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting – Reporting emissions and energy: Reports due 31 October 2016
A reminder that National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) reports are due by midnight 31 October 2016. NGER reporters are to…[Read More]
Emissions Reduction Fund project update for August 2016 – Released
The Clean Energy Regulator has released the Monthly emissions reduction fund carbon abatement statement for August 2016. The update summarises…[Read More]