Clean Energy Regulator releases 2018-19 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting data

   A 0.4% increase (1.3 million tonnes) in scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions (direct emissions) compared to 2017-18 data has been…[Read More]

Financial assurance estimation – Have your say!

  The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is consulting on a draft financial assurance policy and guideline to ensure that those…[Read More]

Quarterly carbon update released for Q4

The Clean Energy Regulator has released the Quarterly Carbon Market Report – Quarter 4 2019.The Q4 report covers market activity…[Read More]

Clean Energy Regulator ERF project updates for January 2019

The Clean Energy Regulator has released the monthly emissions reduction fund (ERF) carbon abatement statement for January 2019. The update…[Read More]

Auction qualification open for tenth ERF auction to be held in March 2020

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has announced that auction qualification is now open for the tenth Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)…[Read More]

Clean Energy Regulator (ERF) project updates for December 2019

The Clean Energy Regulator has released the monthly Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) carbon abatement statement for December 2019. The update…[Read More]

For mining proposals and mine closure plans

The WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) has released new Statutory Guidelines for mining proposals and mine…[Read More]

New contracting approach for the Emissions Reduction Fund auction

The Clean Energy Regulator has announced that the innovative new approach to contracting under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) will…[Read More]

HAVE YOUR SAY! Proposed amendments to the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015

The Federal Government proposing amendments to the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015 to improve the flexibility for project…[Read More]

Amendments to carbon credits methodologies gazetted

Updates to the following carbon credits methodologies have been gazetted by the Federal Government:Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Plantation Forestry) Methodology…[Read More]

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