Victorian Energy Upgrades: Refrigerated display cabinets

The Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning is looking to update the current refrigerated display cabinet activity to…[Read More]

Towards 2050: Gas Infrastructure in a zero emissions economy

All Victorians are invited to have their say on the future of gas infrastructure as Victoria transforms to a zero…[Read More]

Building a Climate Resilient Victoria

The Victorian Government is seeking comment on Victoria’s first set of Adaptation Action Plans and how the Victorian Government can…[Read More]

Review on Greenhouse Gas Guideline

EPA WA has commenced its review of the Greenhouse Gas Guidance.The technical review will clarify and investigate a range of…[Read More]

$2M in funding to reduce industrial emissions

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is providing up to $2 million to ClimateWorks Australia to assist in the next…[Read More]

Proposed new carbon capture and storage method

The Federal Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER), on behalf of the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee, is seeking…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Community Climate Change and Energy Action Program

Sustainability Victoria has announced funding under the Community Climate Change and Energy Action Program to support Victorian community groups by…[Read More]

Wind Farm Environmental Effects Statement (ESS) Draft Scoping Requirements: Comment sought

The Victorian Government is consulting on the draft scoping requirements for the Star of the South Offshore Wind Farm Project…[Read More]

Proposed new carbon capture and storage (CCS) method

The Federal Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) is consulting on a draft carbon capture and storage (CCS)…[Read More]

Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) project updates for May 2021

The Federal Clean Energy Regulator has released the monthly emissions reduction fund (ERF) carbon abatement statement for May 2021. The…[Read More]

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