FUNDING OPPORTUNITY for businesses with operations in Victoria

The following funding opportunities are available to businesses with operations in Victoria:Funding for the development of a renewable hydrogen refuelling…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY for Businesses with operations in NSW

The following funding opportunities are available to businesses with operations in NSW:Funding to install electric vehicle (EV) charging ports in…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY for Businesses with operations in SA

The following funding opportunities are available to businesses with operations in SA:Electric vehicle subsidy package for South Australian businesses, organisations…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY for Businesses with operations in QLD

The following funding opportunities are available to businesses with operations in QLD:Funding for QLD primary producers to improve their drought…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES for Businesses with operations in WA

Funding for new infrastructure and programs to reduce waste and increase recycling in WAFunding is available under WasteSorted Grants –…[Read More]

Gippsland Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure: Comment sought

The Federal Department of Industry, Science and Resources is seeking feedback on the possible effects of future offshore renewable energy…[Read More]

Climate Change Bill 2022

The Federal Government has introduced the Climate Change Bill 2022 that  legislates Australia’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43%…[Read More]

Review of International Offsets: Released by Climate Change Authority

The Climate Change Authority’s had undertaken a Review of International Offsets. The review was at the request of the former Federal…[Read More]

Securing Australia’s domestic gas supply: Issues Paper released

The Federal Department of Industry, Science and Resources has released for comment the issues paper on securing Australia’s domestic gas…[Read More]

Increasing participation in Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF): Survey

The Clean Energy Regulator has released an online survey as they are seeking your thoughts on ways to increase participation…[Read More]

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