Workshops and webinar shows implementation of Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) projects

Webinar  The Clean Energy Regulator has made available webinars for environmental plantings, piggeries or landfill projects to assist you in…[Read More]

CASE STUDY: Investing in new technology for long term energy savings

Tasmanian manufacturer, Alkaloids of Westbury, Tasmania will invest over $3 million in upgrades in new technology within its operations, to…[Read More]

Consultation forum on Streamlining reporting under NGER – RSVP by 31 May 2013

Further to AEBN’s article in ENW 24 May 2013 regarding Streamlining reporting under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER),…[Read More]

Advancement in electric vehicle technology

Electric vehicle technology continues to advance, thanks to manufacturer, Tritium who has designed a fast charger – Veefil.  Veefil has…[Read More]

Streamlining reporting under National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER)

The Federal Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education has today released a – position paper,…[Read More]

Draft National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amengement Determination 2013: consultation draft – Comment sought

The Federal Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education is seeking comment on the – draft…[Read More]

Nationally- consistent energy standards and legislation commence – For computers, computer monitors and gas water heaters

 From 1 October 2013, all computers and computer monitors manufactured in, or imported into Australia are subject to Greenhouse and…[Read More]

Expressions of Interest: Publicly accessible register of potential service providers

The Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities is developing a publicly accessible register of potential service providers…[Read More]

New drop off stations for unwanted TVs & computer products

The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme is industry funded and run, but regulated by the Federal Government, under the…[Read More]

Keep track of Government funded projects for clean and renewable energy

The Federal Government has launched a Clean Energy Map that provides information on clean and renewable energy projects across Australia…[Read More]

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