Webinar The Clean Energy Regulator has made available webinars for environmental plantings, piggeries or landfill projects to assist you in…[Read More]
Workshops and webinar shows implementation of Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) projects
CASE STUDY: Investing in new technology for long term energy savings
Tasmanian manufacturer, Alkaloids of Westbury, Tasmania will invest over $3 million in upgrades in new technology within its operations, to…[Read More]
Consultation forum on Streamlining reporting under NGER – RSVP by 31 May 2013
Further to AEBN’s article in ENW 24 May 2013 regarding Streamlining reporting under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER),…[Read More]
Advancement in electric vehicle technology
Electric vehicle technology continues to advance, thanks to manufacturer, Tritium who has designed a fast charger – Veefil. Veefil has…[Read More]
Streamlining reporting under National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER)
The Federal Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education has today released a – position paper,…[Read More]
Draft National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amengement Determination 2013: consultation draft – Comment sought
The Federal Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education is seeking comment on the – draft…[Read More]
Nationally- consistent energy standards and legislation commence – For computers, computer monitors and gas water heaters
From 1 October 2013, all computers and computer monitors manufactured in, or imported into Australia are subject to Greenhouse and…[Read More]
Expressions of Interest: Publicly accessible register of potential service providers
The Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities is developing a publicly accessible register of potential service providers…[Read More]
New drop off stations for unwanted TVs & computer products
The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme is industry funded and run, but regulated by the Federal Government, under the…[Read More]
Keep track of Government funded projects for clean and renewable energy
The Federal Government has launched a Clean Energy Map that provides information on clean and renewable energy projects across Australia…[Read More]