Trucking company caught on camera

In other cases, a trucking company has been fined $21,000 and ordered to pay $30,000 in costs after being found…[Read More]

Urban Forests Million Trees Program a success

A program to plant three million trees across greater metropolitan Adelaide has reached its milestone.The 11-year, Sustainability, Environment and Conservation…[Read More]

Feeding Nitrates to Cattle – Emissions avoidance methodology available

In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Clean Energy Regulator has made available the Reducing greenhouse gas emissions…[Read More]

AGL Energy announces cost savings to customers

Further to our article of last week that Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has issued over 250 carbon tax…[Read More]

Environmental Impacts of Transport – report released

The Victorian Auditor-General has released a report on a recent audit on Managing the Environmental Impacts of Transport. The report…[Read More]

Carbon costs cut from gas prices

Average regulated gas prices in NSW will increase by less than previously announced following gas retailers’ proposals to IPART to…[Read More]

Emissions Reduction Fund and how does it differ to the Carbon Farming Initiative

The Federal Government has stated that “the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) will build on the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) by…[Read More]

Ships – the target of emissions reduction

NSW EPA has begun talks with the shipping industry in a bid to reduce emissions from ships in the greater…[Read More]

Liable entitles must meet carbon price obligations for 2013-14 financial year – Reminder

The Clean Energy Regulator reminds us that liable entities must still meet their carbon price obligations for the 2013-14 financial…[Read More]

Choosing a sequestration methodology

Unsure which sequestration methodology is right for your situation? The Clean Energy Regulator has made available a decision making tree,…[Read More]

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