Large-scale solar funding initiative receives big response

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced the short-list of projects invited to progress to the next stage of…[Read More]

Work on Climate Change Framework underway

The Victorian Government has begun building a Climate Change Framework which says will “restore” Victoria as a leader in climate…[Read More]

UNCCC COP 21 Paris: Australia signs up to double investment in clean energy

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced that Australia will ratify the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, join other…[Read More]

Climate Change Authority releases climate policy options report

The Climate Change Authority has released its draft report on Australia’s climate policy options. This is the second report in…[Read More]

National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy – Released

The Federal Department of the Environment has released the National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy that sets out how Australia…[Read More]

Clean energy funding program attracts interest

Australia agribusinesses and small-scale manufacturing companies have invested more than $50 million into energy efficient equipment in just five months,…[Read More]

SA launches low carbon investment plan

SA Government has released the Low Carbon Investment Plan, a blueprint for how South Australia plans to achieve $10 billion…[Read More]

Australia on-track to meet emissions targets

The Federal Department of the Environment has released Australia’s abatement task: tracking to 2020  which says Australia will meet its…[Read More]

Revised National Carbon Offset Standard – Released

The Federal Department of the Environment has released the National Carbon Offset Standard – Version 3 that updates the benchmark…[Read More]

Changes to greenhouse and energy auditor registration categories

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has announced amendments to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Regulations 2008 that include…[Read More]

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