Dangerous goods storage and handling

Latest version of Australian Dangerous Goods Transport by Road & Rail (ADG Code 7.7)- commences

A reminder that latest version of the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail –…[Read More]

Independent review of the dangerous goods Act 1985 and regulations

The Victorian Government is seeking your feedback on whether Victoria’s dangerous goods laws effectively promotes safety and ensures the effective…[Read More]

Dangerous goods truck and driver compliance operation blitz

NSW EPA is calling for all transporters of dangerous goods in NSW not to neglect regular maintenance of their vehicles.NSW…[Read More]

REMINDER: Spray operators that use herbicides and pesticides – reminder to follow Safety Protocols

NSW EPA is reminding spray operators to follow safety protocols and use herbicides and pesticides responsibly to avoid impacting non-target…[Read More]

Failing to manage chemicals costs Council over $500,000

A NSW Council has entered into an Enforceable Undertaking (EU) that will cost Council over $500,000 as a result of…[Read More]

Hand sanitiser – potentially flammable if not stored and handled correctly

Due to COVID-19, a number of companies may be storing large quantities of hand sanitiser.Some hand sanitisers comprise of 60-80%…[Read More]

Issues paper: Examining the legal transport of dangerous goods Released for comment

National Transport Commission (NTC) has released an issues paper – Examining the legal framework for the land transport of dangerous…[Read More]

New dangerous goods transport Code – Commences 1 October 2020

The National Transport Commission (NTC) has released the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail…[Read More]

New dangerous goods transport Code – Commences 1 October 2020

The National Transport Commission (NTC) has released the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail…[Read More]

34 criminal charges against company and its Director responsible for Tottenham toxic fire

EPA Victoria has recently filed a total of 34 criminal charges, following a criminal investigation into a site in Tottenham…[Read More]

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