NSW EPA is remaking the Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Regulations 2014 for the transport of dangerous goods to…[Read More]
Dangerous goods storage and handling
Draft Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Regulations 2022: Comment sought
New National Industrial Chemicals Roadmap: Comment sought
The Federal Government of Agriculture, Water and the Environment has released a new national chemicals roadmap – Industrial Chemicals Environmental…[Read More]
Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2022
WorkSafe Victoria (WorkSafe), in consultation with key stakeholders, has prepared the proposed Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2022 (Explosives Regulations) and…[Read More]
NSW EPA targets pesticide impacts in Hearnes Lake Catchment
NSW EPA officers are working on horticultural farms in the Hearnes Lake Catchment Area in order to protect local waterways…[Read More]
New Dangerous Goods guide for WA
The WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety has released the Dangerous goods safety – guide – Requirements for…[Read More]
Managing and storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials (CRWM) guideline
Just a reminder that EPA Victoria has updated the Management and storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials (CRWM) guideline.The CRWM guideline…[Read More]
Review of the Radiation Control Act – Comment sought
NSW EPA is seeking feedback from individuals, organisations and businesses in NSW that use or have an interest in regulated…[Read More]
Industry sector compliance results
EPA SA has undertaken inspections of operators across four industries and have found that the majority are complying with their…[Read More]
Signage breach for transporting dangerous goods
NSW EPA has fined Dangerous Goods transport company $4,000 for not appropriately supervising one of its drivers to ensure safe…[Read More]
REMINDER: Australian Dangerous Good Code 7.7 – compulsory from 1 October 2021
Just a reminder, from 1 October 2021, the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail…[Read More]