Dangerous goods storage and handling

Proposed scheduling decision for short chain chlorinated paraffin chemicals: Comment sought

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is seeking feedback on a proposed scheduling decision for…[Read More]

Reform of Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management in NSW: Comment sought

NSW EPA is seeking input on the draft Environmental Legislation Amendment (Hazardous Chemicals) Bill 2023 – one of the first…[Read More]

National standards to manage 4 brominated flame-retardant chemicals: Comment sought

The Federal Government is seeking your feedback on four proposed scheduling decisions on the management of chemicals that pose a…[Read More]

Review of Code of practice for safe use of synthetic mineral fibres: Comment sought

SafeWork NSW is reviewing the Code of practice for the safe use of synthetic mineral fibres and seeks your feedback to ensure…[Read More]

NSW EPA blitz agricultural industry on pesticide sprays

NSW EPA is reminding pesticide users to spray responsibly following a challenging season last summer which had hundreds of hectares…[Read More]

NSW EPA releases policy on use of Pesticides

NSW EPA administers the NSW Pesticides Act 1999 (the Act) to control the use of pesticides in NSW and reduce…[Read More]

Transport Emergency Response Planning for Dangerous Goods

NSW EPA has released the Transport emergency response planning for dangerous goods that provides guidance on how to prepare a…[Read More]

Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standard (IChEMS) proposed decision: Comment sought

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is seeking your input on proposed scheduling decisions…[Read More]

Managing noxious emissions from non-road diesel engines: Comment sought

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is seeking your feedback on the regulatory impact of…[Read More]

Consultation on the use and regulation of non-threshold genotoxic carcinogens

Safe Work Australia is consulting with stakeholders to understand whether non-threshold genotoxic carcinogens (NTGCs) are present in Australian workplaces, in…[Read More]

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