Dangerous goods storage and handling

Trichloroethene levels in Beverley lower than predicted

EPA SA has received the latest data from environmental testing in the Beverley area with results revealing substantially lower than…[Read More]

GUIDELINES: Underground storage tanks

EPA Victoria has updated its Guideline on underground storage tanks. This guideline has been developed in response to concerns about…[Read More]

Outcomes of Environment Ministers’ Meeting – In summary

Australia’s Environment Ministers from the Commonwealth, states and territories recently met in an effort to progress environmental issues of national…[Read More]

Review of Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals legislation – Discussion Paper released

NSW EPA has released a Proposed Reforms to Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Legislation – Discussion Paper for comment that outlines proposed…[Read More]

Review of Chemical Control Orders

NSW EPA is undertaking a review of all existing Chemical Control Orders.   The review will be a staged approach…[Read More]

First stage of chemical reforms – passed

The NSW Parliament has passed the Pesticides Amendment Bill 2015 in line with moves to provide greater harmonisation across Australia…[Read More]

National Pollutant Inventory Data 2013-14 – Released

The Federal Government has released the 2013-14 National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) data detailing emissions from more than 4,300 industry facilities…[Read More]

Expressions of Interest for NICNAS committee

Expressions of interest are being sought from industry and community-based organisations for membership of the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and…[Read More]

Review of transport of dangerous goods for limited quantities and retail distribution loads – Comment sought

The National Transport Commission (NTC) is undertaking a review of the Transport of Dangerous Goods: for limited quantities and retail…[Read More]

Transportation of dangerous goods laws

Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADGC) Just a reminder that an updated Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADGC) – Australian Dangerous Goods…[Read More]

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