The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has advised that further testing is underway by the Rural Fire Service…[Read More]
Dangerous goods storage and handling
Ban on fire-fighting foams – Have your say!
EPA SA is undertaking public consultation on an amendment to the Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2015 to include a…[Read More]
Guidance documents on PFAS and benzo(a)pyrene contamination released
The Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE) has released a set of five…[Read More]
New information bulletin on PFAS
An updated information bulletin on per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) has been released by EPA Victoria. The bulletin provides…[Read More]
Update on Gold Coast PFAS investigation
NSW EPA has advised that no per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been detected in seafood samples or the…[Read More]
NSW EPA fines Roads and Maritime Services for dangerous goods breach
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has fined NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) $2,000 for transporting cylinders…[Read More]
Amendments to Dangerous Goods regulations
On 3 March 2017, the Western Australian Government gazetted the Dangerous Goods Safety Regulations Amendment Regulations 2017.The legislation amends the…[Read More]
South Australia bans PFOS and PFOA
The South Australian Government has announced that the state will ban the use of firefighting foams that contain perfluorooctane sulfonate…[Read More]
Changes to Dangerous Goods requirements
Late last year, the NEW Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail 7.5 Edition (ADG…[Read More]
Draft National Standard for Environmental Risk Management of Industrial Chemicals – Comment sought
The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy and states and territories, in collaboration with consultancy firm GHD, have released…[Read More]