The NSW Environment Protection Authority has released the following series of fact sheets to assist industry and the community with…[Read More]
Dangerous goods storage and handling
PFAS Ban – EPA SA releases consultation report
The South Australian Environment Protection Authority has released a consultation report on the proposed draft amendment to ban the use…[Read More]
New releases by EPA Victoria – Licence Management – Interim Position Statement on PFAS
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released the following new publications: Licence Management (Publication 1322.8) guidelines are designed to…[Read More]
PFAS Expert Health Panel established
The Federal Department of Health has established an Expert Health Panel for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to review the…[Read More]
Regulation Impact Statement on options for a national phase out of PFOS and related chemicals – Comment sought
The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released a Regulation Impact Statement on options for a national phase…[Read More]
New publications by EPA Victoria
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released the following new publications:Landfills exempt from licensing – (Publication 1563.1) was developed…[Read More]
New EPA Victoria publications released on – Odours – PFAS
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released two new publications:Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry (Publication 1666) has…[Read More]
NSW Pesticides Regulation 2017 commences
The NSW Pesticide Regulation 2017 commenced on 1 September 2017.The Regulation replaces the Pesticides Regulation 2009 with changes to make…[Read More]
COMMENT SOUGHT: PFAS National Environmental Management Plan
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is seeking feedback on the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan consultation draft.The per-and poly-fluoroalkyl…[Read More]
Victorian EPA releases new publications
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released three new publications:Incoming water standards for aquatic ecosystem protection: PFOS and PFOA…[Read More]