Dangerous goods storage and handling

2016-17 National Pollutant Inventory Data available

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released the 2016-17 National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) data.The NPI contains the…[Read More]

Changes to Hazardous chemicals requirements for ACT – Effective 29 March 2018

 On 29 March 2018, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) adopts changes to hazardous chemicals regulation which bring it into line…[Read More]

Industrial chemicals reforms: Commencement date delayed

The Federal Government has announced the delay of the commencement of the new Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) until 1 July 2019. ...Read More

PFAS National Environmental Management Plan – Endorsed

The Federal, state and territory environment ministers have endorsed the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan.PFAS are manufactured chemicals that have…[Read More]

New Grants Management Policy

The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority has released the EPA Grants Management Policy.The policy is intended to provide more…[Read More]

Regulation Impact Statement for a national phase out of PFOS – Comment sought

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) on options for a national…[Read More]

Proposed amendments to the Australian Dangerous Goods Code 7.6 (ADG 7.6) – Comment sought

The National Transport Commission is seeking comment on proposed amendments to the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods…[Read More]

Released by NSW EPA

The NSW EPA has released the following new guidelines:Blueberry industry guidance fact sheet (December 2017) provides guidance for blueberry farmers…[Read More]

SA Waste Reforms and Ban commences on PFAS in firefighting foams

SA is undergoing Waste Reforms. As part of the reforms, on 30 January 2018, the South Australian Government gazetted the Environment…[Read More]

WA’s position statement on PFAS

The Western Australian Government has released a position statement on managing per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in Western Australia.…[Read More]

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