Dangerous goods storage and handling

EPA Victoria and WorkSafe Joint Statement on Tottenham fire site clean up

The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and WorkSafe are demanding the owners and occupiers of last year’s Tottenham fire site…[Read More]

Hazardous Waste in Australia 2019 – Report released

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released the latest reports on Hazardous Waste in Australia.  The reports…[Read More]

Interim position statement on PFAS – released

EPA Victoria has released an interim position statement on PFAS.  The purpose of this interim position statement is to outline…[Read More]

Dangerous Goods Amendment (Penalty Reform) Bill 2019 – in Victorian Parliament

The Dangerous Goods Amendment (Penalty Reform) Bill 2019 is currently before the Victorian Parliament.  In brief, it sets out the purpose of the Bill,…[Read More]

Workplace exposure standards: Have your say!

Safe Work Australia is evaluating the Workplace Exposure Standards for airborne contaminants.Draft evaluation reports and recommendations for each chemical will…[Read More]

Significant penalties introduced for stockpiling dangerous goods

The Victorian Government has introduced into Parliament the Dangerous Goods Amendment (Penalty Reform) Bill 2019 which proposes significant increase in…[Read More]

Consultation summary on adopting the updated GHS under the model WHS laws

Safe Work Australia has released a summary of the submissions received during the online consultation for the proposal to adopt…[Read More]

New guidance for dangerous goods storage and handling

The Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety has released a new guide for the storage and handling…[Read More]

REMINDER: Consultation on PFAS National Environment Management Plan (PFAS NEMP) – Draft of Version 2.0: Have your say!

As reported in the AEBN National  ENW e-news of 8 March 2019, just a reminder that consultation is open until…[Read More]

National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) – 2017-18 data available

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released the 2017-18 National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) data.The NPI contains the…[Read More]

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