Queensland’s Department of Environment and Heritage Protection says testing has confirmed there is no threat to air and water supplies…[Read More]
National Clean Air Agreement – Discussion paper released for comment
Commonwealth, state and territory environment ministers have agreed to work towards establishing a National Clean Air Agreement (‘Agreement’) to ensure…[Read More]
Latrobe air quality monitoring to continue
The Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) and the Latrobe City Council have signed a lease that ensures five EPA monitoring…[Read More]
Ambient Air Quality NEPM reminder – Comment sought
Just a reminder that comments are sought by EPA Victoria on the Proposed variation to the Ambient Air Quality NEPM…[Read More]
NSW EPA lobbies to strengthen air quality measures
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority says it will push for more changes to strengthen the air quality National…[Read More]
Mine Fire Inquiry report tabled in Parliament
The Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry report was tabled in the Victorian Parliament this week, with the Victorian Coalition Government supporting…[Read More]
EPA SA Air Quality Report
EPA SA has released its air quality report for the month of May 2014. The report contains a summary of…[Read More]
Victoria’s annual air quality monitoring results – Released
EPA publishes the air quality report card annually, in compliance with the Ambient Air Quality and Air Toxics National Environment…[Read More]
Air emissions monitoring breach
NSW EPA has fined a company and directed it to undertake a $50,000 trial to improve its air emission monitoring…[Read More]
National Pollutant Inventory
The latest National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) data for South Australia has been released. The data, which covers 2012 – 13,…[Read More]