Intermediate Level to Dangerous Goods Storage, Handling & Transport WORKSHOP – PM Half Day: April 15, 2015

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Presented by the
Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN)


This comprehensive and practical Workshop has been designed to bring you up to speed with Dangerous Goods regulations and requirements in Victoria to an Intermediate Level. 

As each state has different Dangerous Goods regulations and requirements, AEBN’s Intermediate Level  to Dangerous Goods Storage, Handling and Transport Workshop will focus on the  segregation of dangerous goods rules, chemical compatibility, placarding of stores, vehicles and containers, labeling, bunding rules of storage of dangerous goods, risk assessment requirements and much more.

Please note:  Organisations have an obligation to ensure they are up to date and compliant with dangerous goods laws and that staff receive appropriate training.  The AEBN recommends that staff receive refresher training every 2 to 3 years, and certainly when changes are introduced.

It is highly recommended that those attending the AEBN Intermediate Level to Dangerous Goods Storage, Handling and Transport Workshop have a sound understanding of the topics covered in the AEBN Introductory Level to Dangerous Goods, Storage, Handling and Transport Workshop.  It is recommended that personnel undertake the AEBN Introductory Level workshop prior to undertaking the AEBN Intermediate Level workshop.


This comprehensive workshop will use practical exercises throughout the session and will cover – 

  • Dangerous Goods and Substance Registers, Manifests and threshold Quantities
  • Segregation and compatibility of chemicals
  • The segregation rules and techniques – segregation devices (stores and vehicles)
  • Placarding of stores, vehicles and containers
  • Labeling
  • Bunding rules for storage of dangerous goods
  • Documentation required for the transport of dangerous goods
  • Risk assessment requirements
  • Compliance strategies, and the use of Australian Standards
  • Practical and hands on exercises.

Lunch will be provided to delegates attending the Introductory and Intermediate Level to Dangerous Goods Storage, Handling and Transport Workshop.

Please note:

  • The Victorian Workshop will cover the Federal and Victorian laws and requirements. The NSW Workshop will cover the Federal and NSW laws and requirements.  


John Manning, National Dangerous Goods Specialist, Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN)

John is AEBN’s dangerous goods expert.  He has a wealth of experience and knowledge that spans well over 30 years in dangerous goods, hazardous substances, risk assessments and management, Emergency Response, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), training, auditing and consultancy, in particular, within the Australian and Asia Pacific Region’s chemical, plastics, mining, textiles, food and agricultural sectors.   


The Workshop will provide the opportunity to network with delegates and presenters during AEBN’s Networking Afternoon Tea.  Course notes will be provided at the Workshop.


Intermediate Level to Dangerous Goods Storage, Handling & Transport WORKSHOP – PM Half Day: April 15, 2015
April 15, 2015 1:15 PM
April 15, 2015 5:00 PM
Presented by:
Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN)
October 1, 2015
Boulevard Room, Parkview Hotel
Google Map
562 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
$405 early bird to 1 April 2015; $430 from 2 April 2015
Parking surrounds the venue
Public Transport:
Station: Flinders Street and take tram along St Kilda Road Melb; Tram: Along St Kilda Road Melb
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    NOTE: Course notes will be provided to all attendees at the event
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