Intermediate level – Dangerous Goods, Storage and Handling Workshop – March 14, 2012

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From 1 January 2012, significant changes have taken place to the National model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations. These changes will affect the way we STORE, HANDLE and TRANSPORT dangerous goods and hazardous substances.

The progress made by each State and Territory in adopting these changes has varied greatly. Therefore, organisations have an obligation to ensure they are up to date with these developments. Obligations include ensuring that your staff are up to date with the changes and that they have received adequate training to comply with the latest legislation.

The AEBN recommends that staff receive refresher training every 2 to 3 years.

The Workshop will provide information on the new Regulations, the Global Harmonisation System Labels, the changes to the new standard for Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and much more.

The AEBN Intermediate Level to Dangerous Goods Storage and Handling Workshop will cover the following topics.



This AEBN Workshop will provide a number of practical exercises:

  • An overivew of the changes to Regulations and obligations that relate to the safe storage and handling of dangerous goods
  • An overview of the Global Harmonisation System Labels and changes to the National standard for Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
  • Dangerous Goods and Substance Registers, Manifests and threshold Qualities
  • Segregation and compatibility of chemicals
  • The segregation rules and techniques – segregation devices
  • Bunding rules for containing a potential chemical spill
  • Transport documentation
  • Compliance strategies, and the use of Australian Standards and their purpose
  • Practical exercises will be used throughout the Workshop.


Please Note

It is highly recommended that participants who wish to attend AEBN’s Intermediate Level to Dangerous Goods Storage & Handling Workshop must complete the Introductory Level – Dangerous Goods Storage & Handling Workshop as the fundamentals will be covered in the Introductory that will not be covered in the Intermediate to avoid any overlap.

 It is also recommended that if you require a refresher course, or have a limited or general knowledge of dangerous goods storage and handling, please register to attend the Introductory Level – Dangerous Goods Storage & Handling Workshop prior to attending this Workshop. The Introductory Level Workshop is scheduled at AM Half Day on the same day of the Intermediate Level Workshop.


John Manning: AEBN Dangerous Goods Specialist (Australian Environment Business Network)

 John is AEBN’s dangerous goods expert. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge that spans well over 30 years in dangerous goods, hazardous substances, risk assessments and management, Emergency Response, MSDSs, training, auditing and consultancy, in particular within the Australian and Asia Pacific Region’s chemical, plastics, mining, textitles, food and agricultural sectors.

Intermediate level – Dangerous Goods, Storage and Handling Workshop – March 14, 2012
March 14, 2012 1:30 PM
March 14, 2012 5:00 PM
Presented by:
03 9397 2511
February 20, 2012
Conference Room 'Meat Market'
Google Map
5 Blackwood Street, North Melbourne, Vic, Australia
$385 ( till Feb 29 ) $410 (from March 1
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