Western Australia News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

New biodiversity bill passed

The Western Australian Government has passed new biodiversity legislation, updating the outdated Wildlife Conservation Act of 1950.The Biodiversity Conservation Bill…[Read More]

New guidelines for onshore petroleum groundwater monitoring released

The Western Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum and Department of Water have released the Guideline for Groundwater Monitoring in…[Read More]

Establishment of Land Access Working Group

The Western Australian Government has announced the establishment of a Land Access Working Group to review the statutory framework for…[Read More]

Western Australia to introduce a container deposit scheme

The Western Australian Government has announced that a container deposit scheme will be introduced in the state in mid-2018.The announcement…[Read More]

New Onshore Oil Spill Contingency Plan guidelines released

The Western Australia Department of Mines and Petroleum has released the Guideline for the Development of an Onshore Oil Spill…[Read More]

Waste Authority Community Grants Scheme – Round 2 now open

The Western Australia Waste Authority has announced that Round 2 of the Community Grants Scheme (CGS) is now open.The scheme…[Read More]

Expansion of Groundwater Replenishment Scheme

The Western Australian Government has announced the next step in the Water Forever 10-year water supply plan for Perth, with…[Read More]

New approach to Pilbara conservation

The Western Australia Government has announced a new conservation fund to support a co-ordinated conservation approach in the Pilbara region.The…[Read More]

Launch of Watering WA

The WA Water Minister and Regional Development Minister have launched Watering WA, a $30 million initiative to secure regional water…[Read More]

Development of Amendments to the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Regulations – Comment sought

The Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation (WA DER) is developing amendments to the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Regulations…[Read More]

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