Victorian News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Energy efficiency grants for commercial buildings

The Victorian Government has announced $1.76 million in funding for the owners and tenants of commercial buildings to improve energy…[Read More]

VEAC releases final report on Statewide Assessment of Public Land

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) has released its final report on the Statewide Assessment of Public Land.The report is…[Read More]

COMMENT SOUGHT: PFAS National Environmental Management Plan

The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is seeking feedback on the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan consultation draft.The per-and poly-fluoroalkyl…[Read More]

Victorian VEET Scheme rebranded

The Victorian Government has rebranded for promotional purposes the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) scheme as the Victorian Energy Upgrades…[Read More]

VEET Regulations amended and further information on project based activities

The Victorian Essential Services Commission has announced that the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Regulations 2008 have been amended to allow…[Read More]

Victorian EPA releases new publications

The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released three new publications:Incoming water standards for aquatic ecosystem protection: PFOS and PFOA…[Read More]

Draft VEET scheme compliance and enforcement policy

The Victorian Essential Services Commission (ESC) has released a draft Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) Scheme Compliance and Enforcement Policy…[Read More]

Local government energy saver program

A new program announced by the Victorian Government aims to assist local councils in rural and regional areas to understand,…[Read More]

Protection of Local Environment pilot program: Councils announced to take part

The Victorian Government has announced the Victorian councils that will take part in the Officers for the Protection of the…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: $4.7 million in grants for climate change innovation

The Victorian Government has allocated $4.7 million for Climate Change Innovation Challenge grants and workshops across Victoria.The grants will support…[Read More]

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