Victorian News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

EPA blitz on diary businesses across Otways

EPA Victoria’s officers in the Southwest Region are making unannounced compliance and enforcement inspections on dairy businesses across the Otways…[Read More]

Developing Victoria’s first transmission plan: Comment sought

Victoria is undergoing a transition from ageing coal fired power stations to renewable energy which means Victoria’s electricity grid will…[Read More]

Proposed Waterways Protection Model By-Law: Comment sought

The Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) seeks your feedback on the proposed Model By-Law for 2024.…[Read More]

Victoria’s Container Deposit scheme commenced 1 November 2023

On 1 November 2023, the new Victoria Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic) commenced.  Victorians will be able to exchange eligible…[Read More]

Review of methodology used to set 2024-25 Victorian Default Offer for electricity

The Essential Services Commission is reviewing the prices for the 2024-25 Victorian Default Offer for electricity and is seeking your…[Read More]

2024 Review of water price

The Essential Services Commission is reviewing new prices and outcomes proposed by two water businesses and seeks your views.  The Commission…[Read More]

EPA Victoria inspection of Dairy farms and their water pollution controls

Dairy farms across the South-West Region of Victoria are being inspected by EPA Victoria to ensure water pollution controls are…[Read More]

Administering your Powers under the Environment Protection Act: A guide for councils and litter authorities

EPA Victoria (EPA) has developed the Administering your powers under the Environment Protection Act guide to support local government (councils)…[Read More]

Compliance Code for Victoria’s Big Build Projects: Released by EPA Victoria

The Major Transport Infrastructure Authority (MTIA) is currently in the process of delivering eight major transport infrastructure projects (projects).  EPA…[Read More]

New Victorian target for climate action

The Victorian Government has set ambitious targets to cut Victoria’s greenhouse gas emissions for Victoria and to achieve net-zero emissions…[Read More]

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