Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has laid 10 charges against a chemical storage operator for a fire at its Campbellfield…[Read More]
Victorian News
This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.
Large fine for fuel oil spill
A commercial flower growing business has been fined $150,000 and ordered to pay EPA Victoria $500,000 in compensation for allowing…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: To reduce packaging waste to landfill
Sustainability Victoria has announced a grants program to support organisations in Victoria to reduce packaging waste disposed in landfill.The grants…[Read More]
New marine and coastal policy for Victoria: Released
The Victorian Government has launched a new Marine and Coastal Policy.The new Policy provides a framework aimed at ensuring that…[Read More]
Charges laid over illegal chemical warehouses
EPA Victoria has laid 12 charges against an individual under the Environment Protection Act 1970 following a comprehensive investigation into…[Read More]
New EPA Victorian publications apply from 1 July 2020 – Released
EPA Victoria has released the following new publications that apply from 1 July 2020, when the amendments to the Environment…[Read More]
Environment Amendment Act commencement date 1 July 2020
The commencement of the provisions of the Victorian Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 has been proclaimed by the Governor of…[Read More]
Roadmap for the new Victorian EP Act
In anticipation of the commencement of the new Victorian Environment Protection Act 2017 on 1 July 2020, MinterEllison lawyers have…[Read More]
Victorian Government announces 10-year recycling plan
The Victorian Government has released its circular economy strategy – Recycling Victoria – a 10-year policy and action plan that…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Recycling infrastructure grants
Sustainability Victoria has announced a new Recycling Victoria Infrastructure Fund, which aims to ramp up recycling infrastructure, improving the recovery…[Read More]