Victorian News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Circular Economy Market Report

Recycling Victoria has released the inaugural Circular Economy Market Report: an overview of Victoria’s progression to a circular economy. The…[Read More]

Building industry’s environmental, safety, building compliance obligations

EPA Victoria and Macedon Ranges Shire Council officers have undertaken unannounced inspections of the building industry at 34 building sites…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Circular Economy Organics Council Fund

Sustainability Victoria is providing funding under the Circular Economy Organics Councils Fund that aims to support local government and the…[Read More]

Chair of SEC announced

It has been announced that Simon Corbell will be the Chair of the State Electricity Commission (SEC) Board along with four…[Read More]

New findings released into Melbourne’s West air pollution

EPA Victoria has released a report on Air Pollution Sources in Inner West Melbourne that contains the findings of a…[Read More]

Circular Economy Market Report by Recycling Victoria

Recycling Victoria has released the Circular Economy Market Report that provides information on the generation, collection, sorting, re-processing, or re-manufacturing…[Read More]

Warning to all tyre retailers and mechanics if you stockpile

EPA Victoria is sending a stern warning to all Victorian tyre retailers and mechanics should they attempt to illegally stockpile…[Read More]

Volunteers needed for soil and dust study in Bendigo

EPA Victoria is conducting a soil and dust study in Bendigo as part of its focus on science-led decision making.  A…[Read More]

Waiver on waste levy for disaster waste

The Victorian Government is assisting communities affected by the February 2024 emergency events by removing charges to dispose of disaster…[Read More]

Information on Victorian Fires and Air Quality

EPA Victoria has released important information to help those affected or concerned about fire conditions in Victoria.EPA is working with…[Read More]

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